Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Notes and such...

Missed my scintillating lecture? Just want to relive the good old days of a week ago?

The thing is, these notes are up on a Google Documents area. Apparently, you need some sort of Google account (like a Gmail account) to access them. If you sign up for that account, you should be able to get in.

If not, I will put them in my Professor Folder that you can access from the computers at school. There will be a folder in there call Jour270 and these files will be there.

Here are the notes (they are in PDFs) from the first couple weeks of class:

Story Structure (Feb. 9)

Feature Leads (Feb. 4)

Lead Structure (Feb. 2)

Cliche Leads (Feb. 4)


  1. Anyone else having problems opening these docs?

  2. ya it wont let me download any of our notes
